What do Highly Effective Psychiatrists Have in Common?

By nature, we’re all creatures of habit, and it’s those habits that determine whether or not we’re effective people. Being effective means we’re successful in producing a desired result and that we fulfill a specified function. As psychiatrists, our desired result is successfully treating mental health and our specified function is to provide said treatment. No two psychiatrists are the same but effective psychiatrists do have some commonalities.

Is Humble

An effective psychiatrist isn’t wrapped up in his/her ego. They understand that treating mental health is a complex practice and they know they aren’t the “end-all-be-all” of psychiatry. There is still much to learn about mental health and how to treat it, and these psychiatrists are more than willing to educate themselves to further help their patients. Psychotherapy is more than just a doctor/patient relationship; it’s collaboration, a partnership between the patient and the psychiatrist. Highly effective psychiatrists can learn from the patient just as the patient can learn from the psychiatrist.

Looks Deeper

A highly effective psychiatrist will look deeper to find any underlying or accompanying conditions. This might include ordering lab work for the patient before choosing the proper treatment plan. The psychiatrist will use the results of the lab work to help chart a course of treatment that is most beneficial and ideal for the patient instead of following a cookie cutter treatment plan.

Wields the Prescription Pad Carefully & Takes a Holistic Approach

Listening to a patient for a few minutes and writing a prescription is not a highly effective psychiatrist. While many patients benefit from medication, a highly effective psychiatrist will not immediately assume this is the case with all patients.

Highly effective psychiatrists will also think holistically and inquire about sleep habits, diet, exercise, and other daily stressors. Part of your session should include non-medicated ways of relieving anxiety and depression, such as journaling or yoga, and will be suited to your key strengths.

Makes Referrals

These psychiatrists know which physicians are at the top in their field in the event that patients need to be referred to them. A highly effective psychiatrist will know which psychiatrists are best for marriage and family counseling, cognitive behavioral therapy, child therapy, and group therapy.

Is Available

Highly effective psychiatrists are available to their patients even outside office hours. Some psychiatrists provide patients with their cell phone numbers, email addresses, or have other ways of communication in place.

Keeps Thorough Records

Keeping accurate and details notes is essential for highly effective psychiatrists. It’s crucial for them to know which medications their patients are taking, how often, and the dosage. They can’t depend on the patient to remember and recite it during each visit.

Gives Hope

Giving hope is the ultimate sign of a good psychiatrist. They don’t make false promises about the length of recovery, but they emphasize the patient’s steady progress. Highly effective psychiatrists provide motivation and serve as the patient’s cheerleader.

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